Interesting behaviour WRT Calendar.
Professor Higgins
2012-04-04 00:23:10 UTC
OK I know this is old news but I just found out that I can add multi- day appointments by choosing custom and then selecting the days -
For example for the next 4 weeks I am teaching Mon Wed & Fri I can edit the days to omit Tues and punch in the end date and automagically I get my appointments for the next four weeks Mon Wed & Fri.

However If I move the last Fri Appointment to the following Monday The End date of the series does not change BUT There is a "hole" in the repetition.
If I check the series it still indicates as ending on the original date.

If I change the series to end on the new date there is still the "hole"

Undocumented feature?

My other "nice to" would be to have a way of setting "no time" for an appointment at the creation of the appointment,,,
I know after creating the appointment you can then edit it to have no time (it appears as hh mm).